Where can I find job listing websites for youth?

Here are just a few websites that list jobs for young people and students in Ontario or Canada.

You can also ask friends, family, teachers, guidance counsellors, employment counsellors, settlement workers, or others who work in the kind of job you want to recommend useful job listing websites.

Job Listing Websites for Youth

Many colleges and universities have job listings for students. Check with your school’s career centre to find out more.

You can find more information on getting a job on NewYouth.ca, a website for young newcomers in Ontario.

For More Information

  • NewYouth.ca – A website with information for young newcomers in Ontario. Find information about school, work, health, law and more.
  • Employment Programs for People Under 30 – Information, programs and tools to help people under the age of 30 build skills, start a business, or find work. From the Government of Ontario.