CMCC Canada
2022 Events!
Employment services
Job Listings
Employment Related Information
How to Draft a Résumé?
Where can I get free help with my cover letter and resume?
What do Canadian Employers want?
How to Edit and Proofread your Resume so that Recruiters See it
How do I make sure that my resume and cover letter are well written?
How do I create a good cover letter?
What do I include in my Canadian resume? What do I exclude?
How do I create a Canadian-style resume in order to find a job?
Job Search Techniques
Social Insurance Number
What do I do if my SIN is lost or stolen?
What documents do I need to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
How do I get a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
How to Prepare for an Interview?
What should I know about virtual interviews?
What should I know about phone interviews?
What are job interviewers really asking?
How do I respond to inappropriate questions in a job interview?
How do I prepare for a job interview?
How do I get a criminal record check?
What do I do after the interview?
What are references? Who should I ask to be a reference?
Free Résumé Critique
Mock Interviews
Rights at Work
Your Rights as a Worker
Information for Employees About Hours of Work and Overtime Pay
Illegal Deductions From Wages
Your Rights Under the Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act
Your Employment Standards Rights: Temporary Help Agency Assignment Employees
Workplace Rights
Your Rights Under the Employment Standards Act
What are my health and safety rights?
What is the minimum wage when I work?
What are my rights as a worker in Ontario?
What is the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and how can it help me?
Settlement Services
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Where can I get my English level evaluated?
Where can I take ESL classes?
What different kinds of ESL programs are available?
What is Enhanced Language Training (ELT)?
What is the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program?
Schooling, Post Secondary Education
Adult Education
Schooling, Primary and Secondary Education
Does OHIP cover me when I am outside Ontario?
How do I apply for a Health Card (OHIP)?
Where can I get health care if I don’t have OHIP?
What services does OHIP cover?
Driving in Canada
Volunteer activities
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